A microgreens business is good for your health!

This was a huge draw for me when I started planning my microgreens business back in the beginning of 2017. The importance of your health is definitely something not to under-estimate in your work life, but so often it is. I strongly believe that what you choose to do for a living (if you’re lucky enough to get a choice) should have a positive effect on your health and not the other way around. And by running a microgreens farm for a living it’s not just your own health as a business owner and farmer that’s benefitting, your customer’s health is too!

The 5 health benefits to YOU from running a small scale microgreens farm from home:

1. The flexible working style of a microgreens business means you can create an excellent work life balance for yourself – giving your energy levels and wellbeing a huge boost! Not a morning person? - timetable your tasks for later in the day. Prefer to do longer days and have more full days off? - just group your weekly tasks together more. You can honestly design it to fit around your life.

2.  If operated well, a microgreens business can be a very profitable business. Just knowing every week that you’re able to generate your own sustainable income by doing something you love and that benefits other people, can have a huge positive effect on your mental health.

3.  Working with plants has been proven to have a calming effect on humans. Microgreens are also incredibly fun and satisfying to grow! You see the fruits of your labour very quickly and there are lots of different varieties to try so you won’t get bored.

4.  You’ll be moving around a lot and sometimes lifting heavy objects (compost!). Microgreens farming is a physically active job. Not much sitting around at a computer desk all day.

5.   You’ll get to eat lots of one on the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! You'll have a constant supply of the freshest, nutritious microgreens in your fridge every week (as long as you grow enough extras!).

Health benefits to your CUSTOMERS:

1.   You’ll be providing fresh, nutrient dense food for your local community. It doesn’t get better than that! This is amazing for their health, as well as being very satisfying for you too.

2.   If you see your customers regularly, you’ll both feel part of the community. It’s always nice to have a chat with your neighbours and stay connected.

3.   As well as enjoying their fresh microgreens, I know many of my customers love the fact that they’re supporting a local farm and business owner in their local community. This is a good feeling.

Just don’t burn out! (that’s not great for your health)

It’s SO easy to over do it. This definitely happened to me during the first year of my business and I recommend it’s something you massively keep in check in yours’ too (easier said than done!). When you start a new exciting business venture (and a microgreens one is certainly that!), it’s very easy to start working all the hours both physically getting everything in place, as well as being constantly switched on mentally with thoughts of how to run your business whizzing around in your head.

It was the over thinking and second guessing everything that overwhelmed me in the early days and just that general feeling of ‘am I doing all this right’? This, coupled with no available support in the industry at the time, led to everything feeling quite stressful and overwhelming.

If you’re new to the business, one thing that will help you at this stage is to learn from others who have already gone through the same processes you’re going through now.

This is the main reason I set up Farm Microgreens UK in the first place - to help support new people coming into the business and make this process for you much more straight forward.

Your support options include:

  1. My FREE UK Microgreens Mini Business Guide

    A packed 14 pages of content on the UK microgreens industry, basic equipment you need to get started, how to grow your first crops and how to sell your first crops. A massive headache reducer and it’s free! (click below to download).

  2. My UK Microgreens Business Course.

    The complete guide to running a successful microgreens business course in the UK. My in-depth, online video course for when you’re serious and ready to take the plunge.

  3. The Farm Microgreens UK Facebook group.

    Made up of over 1.5 K like-minded microgreens business enthusiasts! Get support from our lovely community.

  4. And finally….keep reading this blog!

    A brand new post will drop in your inbox every Tuesday morning, every week, year round.

Life is better with a community of support around you.

Running your own successful microgreens business can honestly be life changing. People come into this business from all different backgrounds and with a huge range of life experiences. I just wanted to highlight today that if you enjoy, or just like the thought at this stage of, growing and selling microgreens for a living and connecting to your local community, this business can have a genuine positive effect on both your mental and physical health and well being.

Keep well :)

My 14-page Mini UK Microgreens Business Guide will teach you:

  1. 5 great reasons for starting a microgreens business in the UK right now

  2. The basic equipment needed to get started

  3. A step-by-step guide to growing and harvesting radish shoots and pea shoots, including UK pricing suggestions and profit margins.

  4. A how-to guide to selling your microgreens to chefs, restaurants and your local community.


The 5 key elements needed to set up and run a long-term, sustainable microgreens farm.


Growing sunflower shoots for profit in the UK