How Much Do You Want to Earn From Your Microgreens Farm in the UK?
Set a figure and work intentionally towards it.

Microgreens Farming in the UK. A decent side hustle or a full time job?
Both are possible depending on how you’d like to work.

Build Community and Sell More Microgreens
Make connections. It’s the best thing you can do for your business (and your wellbeing).

The 3 Most Common Microgreens Growing Problems and How to Fix Them
It happens to us all! Here’s what to do….

Indoor Microgreens Farming and Seasonality in the UK
Do the season changes in the UK affect indoor microgreens growing?

4 Practical Ways to Maximise Your Profit Margins in Your Microgreens Farm Business
And you can implement these right now!

Selling Your Microgreens Directly to Home Customers
This is a no-brainer! Here’s exactly how to do it….

What a Successful Microgreens Farm Business Looks Like
“The reason to have a business is so your life improves”.

What to Spend Money on when Setting up your Microgreens Farm from Scratch
Adopt useful habits from the outset….

Tray Washing at Your Microgreens Farm – my favourite job!
A necessary process, so let’s embarce it! ;)

Mastering Microgreens Germination
Master consistently even & great germination rates and you’re 90% there to your perfect grows!

Microgreens Farming – Finding Your Happy
Never lose your joy for growing because your business isn’t set up right for you….Find that sweet spot.

Spotlight on: Micro Coriander
Everything you need to know about growing and selling this beautiful micro herb in the UK.

Why I choose NOT to use plant-based packaging for my microgreens
And what I’m currently using instead in my business…