Microgreens Farming – Finding Your Happy

I was on a webinar with a brilliant fellow microgreens grower last week and the one thing he said that massively stuck with me was reminding people to find their happy with their growing. I loved this and I wrote it down. It’s what I try and share as much as possible when teaching people all about microgreens farming. The big, top of the pile amazing aspect of microgreens farming is that you are 100% in complete control of how much you choose to grow and sell depending on your overall goals.

You can grow a couple of trays a month for you and your family. Or you can grow hundreds of trays a week and sell them to make a living. Plus all the options in between. It’s not all or nothing with microgreens farming and that’s the beauty of it!

Because you don’t need to invest lots of time and money to get started with growing and selling your first crops, you can just dip your toe in without being under pressure to make significant sales. You don’t have to sign expensive lease agreements on commercial premises from the get go or employ other people just to be able to make your first sales and claw back initial investment. Once you start selling your produce that you’ve grown at home, you can literally be in profit in the first couple of months.

This allows for lots of flexibility your end!

You’ll be much more in control of how much you’d like to do. And when you feel in control in your business, it’s a much more enjoyable state to be in. This was a huge reason why I was originally attracted to setting up my microgreens farm at home back in 2017. I loved the idea of being able to do as much or as little as I wanted, that fit nicely alongside all the other stuff in my life.

Finding your happy balance

This is going to look very different to different people and will hugely depend on your personal circumstances, other commitments you might have, what you enjoy doing, how much money you’d like to make and how much time you’d like to work on and in your business each week.

Try and establish your goals for your farm early on so you have a focus.

The profit you can make from one tray of microgreens in the UK ranges from £10 and £20 a tray depending on crop variety and your other business expenses.

With that in mind, here are just 3 examples of different microgreens farming operations, one scaling up from the last:

  • Growing a few trays a week on a sunny windowsill for a few home customers. Minimal time needed. Can do it in addition to full time work, child care etc.

  • Growing on one, 6-tier grow rack. Selling approximately 15 trays worth of microgreens a week to maybe a couple of different customers streams eg: Home customers and a farm shop. Around 7 hours work a week in total for all tasks. Approx £200 profit a week.

  • Growing on several racks a week. 2 harvests a week. Profiting £200 a rack. More time needed depending on number of racks and deliveries. You choose how big you want (or can) go with this.

By the ‘several racks a week’ point, you’ll know:

  1. Your local market and how much produce it will support.

  2. How much room you have available to run the business in.

  3. Whether you enjoy it.

  4. How much (or little) you’d like to scale it.

    The only limiting factors on how big you can grow your business, are:


I’ve spent the past 7 years trying out all the different ways I could run my business and I’ve had a briliant time doing it! At it’s peak, I was supplying 25 different cafes and restaurants in Leeds, 2 shops, around 30 home customers, private chefs and 1 large wholesale distributor. I loved it and it was bringing in around £950 profit a week. Over the years I’ve swapped and changed it around to best fit in with my life and what I wanted to be doing. Sometimes I just fancied a change too.

Over the years, I’ve had family and friends help out during the busy times and I’ve moved my growing space from inside the house to a purpose built, insulated shed in the garden measuring 3m x 6m. Trying different business models and strategies will give you the experience to realise what you want from your business and how you want it to look. It’s then exciting and extremely satisfying when you find that sweet spot for yourself :)

Your wellbeing and happiness in your business will always be the most important asset your business has.

I honestly believe, and have proven in my own microgreens business, that you can create an ideal balance between a profitable business and your health and happiness within your work.

Never lose your joy for growing because the business isn’t set up right for you.

Surely that’s what we’re all striving for isn’t it?

If you’re keen to learn more about getting your own microgreens business up and running, then here’s my

FREE UK Microgreens Business Starter Guide

Download now to get it sent straight to your inbox!

In your guide, you’ll get:

  • 5 great reasons for starting a microgreens business in the UK right now

  • A basic equipment list

  • A step-by-step guide to growing and harvesting radish shoots and pea shoots, including UK pricing suggestions and profit margins.

  • A how-to guide to selling your microgreens to your local community.


Mastering Microgreens Germination


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